Turf Settings

Maximum number of people per turf:

Empower requires turfs to have at least 10 people in them. Select this option if you are going to upload this list to Empower.

Automatically sets 'AssignedCanvasserEid' field to this for all generated turf. This is helpful if you want to assign all generated turfs to a temporary placeholder user. Otherwise, leave this blank to assign turf to specific users by hand in the generated file.

Upload VAN File

Step 1: Export your data from VAN in Excel format and unzip the file

Use the Standard Text export format from MyVoters and export as a .XLS file, or else use either of these templates: Excel format template or Tab-Delimited format (.txt) template

Step 2: Drag the file to the box below to upload

The maximum file size is 200 MB